OMAR Single Malt Whisky Cask Strength PX Sherry Cask – Blessing and Gratitude Limited Edition Collection Set

Taiwan’s Most Powerful Art Collaboration Whisky – Buddha Statue Whisky
At the invitation of Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation, the Mo Hai Lou International Art Research Group launched another cross-industry collaboration following the Omar PX Cask Strength Single Malt Whisky Fu Baoshi Fu Yiyao Commemorative Edition. This time, they teamed up with Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation, the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, and the National Museum of History to select four renowned artists—Zhang Daqian, Pu Hsin-Yu, Chen Jin, and Lin Yushan. Each artist’s iconic Guanyin painting has been incorporated into the label design of the Omar Single Malt Whisky PX Sherry Cask Strength Original Whisky Blessings and Gratitude Series, creating this Master Art Collaboration Edition Whisky.
Eastern painting and calligraphy have evolved over thousands of years, reflecting diverse schools and regional styles. Whisky has also long inspired many artists. Dr. Ye Guo-Shin pointed out that this series is rooted in two major Taiwanese art traditions: “The Three Masters of the Sea Crossing” and “The Three Young Masters of Taiwan.” The former showcases cultural leaders Zhang Daqian and Pu Hsin-Yu, while the latter represents figures like Chen Jin and Lin Yushan.
The new series is themed around “Blessings and Gratitude,” with the Guanyin artworks on the labels representing blessings for Taiwan and the world, as well as gratitude for current fortunes. Each bottle symbolizes four beautiful wishes: “Freedom, Peace, Health, and Prosperity.”