《Artistic Transmission – Art Exhibition of Fu Baoshi & Fu Yiyao》
“The character ‘傳’ (chuán) in ‘大道有傳’ (Artistic Transmission ) metaphorically signifies multiple aspects: it encompasses Fu Baoshi’s teachings to Fu Yiyao, the deep familial bonds that connect them, and the pursuit of aesthetic ideals among literati. The phrase ‘富胸中之丘壑,嫻古人之筆法’ (Rich in the hills and ravines of the heart, skilled in the brush techniques of the ancients) is a lifelong motto of Fu Baoshi, serving as enlightening advice from a sage to his descendants. More than specific techniques, the influence of Fu Baoshi on Fu Yiyao lies in the cultivation of aesthetics and the tempering of spirit.
Fu Baoshi encouraged Fu Yiyao to ‘自強不息’ (zì qiáng bù xī), a simple phrase that encapsulates a profound understanding of aesthetics. ‘自強不息’ is not merely about tireless effort; it signifies the necessity to embody independence in visual expression. It emphasizes relying on one’s own perception and understanding of the world, merging the richness of one’s inner landscape with the brushwork of the ancients into an aesthetic philosophy. In Fu Yiyao’s creations, the concrete realization of her father’s aesthetic thought is evident everywhere.”